
Dedicated, secure connections to your cloud environment


Having a reliable connection to the cloud has never been more important

Liquid Intelligent Technologies’s CloudConnect enables direct, secure connections to international Cloud Service Providers.

CloudConnect is a connection between a private network, whether your equipment is on-premises or co-located in a data centre, and a public cloud. In the past, all connections to the cloud were from a public network but with the rise of new technologies, cloud providers now offer dedicated and secure connections.

Modernising your infrastructure with CloudConnect

As more services are migrated to the Cloud, many organisations consider a more direct, highly available and managed connection between their business and the various Cloud platforms. This is essential in order to maintain service availability and application performance.

CloudConnect delivers on

  • Cost Efficiency: Business critical applications running smoothly helps reduce unnecessary expenditures
  • Data Security: Bypassing the public internet allows your business data remains secure
  • Efficient response time: Provides unrivalled user experience with optimal employee productivity

CloudConnect as a Service

We have CloudConnect enabled ports at our Africa Data Centres (ADC) and over 25 Point of Presence (PoPs) across Africa, bringing the Edge closer to our customers. We offer direct connection to multiple hyper-cloud providers.

Partner with the industry’s leading network in Africa

Liquid Intelligent Technologies are the premier fibre connectivity providers on the African continent. Combining this experience with our close relationships with the Cloud providers means that we are equipped to provide you with the best technical solution for your cloud connectivity needs.

  • Robust, cross regional network connectivity
  • One stop shop offering – connectivity, bandwidth, BGP, routing, VLAN allocation & IP addressing
  • Direct, secure and redundant Interconnect with all cloud partner
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